Inauguration of Rotary Professionals Computer Learning Center

Rotary Club of Indore Professionals Inaugurated a Computer Learning Center at Gram Kadwali Bujurg for the benefit of Girls of the village and school students who are not able to attend school after a particular age. Kudos to Computer Learning Centre Project
Coordinator – Rtn. Bhuvnesh Gupta and his team for preparing and installing all computers in the lab with very good configuration. A special mention of all members who contributed to this project through various computer parts and accessories: Rtn. Nikhil and Rtn. Pooja Agarwal, Rtn. Bhuvnesh Gupta, Rtn. Mukesh Agarwal, Rtn. RinkeshShah, Rtn. Ila Bansal, Rtn. Sanjay Agrawal and Rtn. Priyanki Maheshwari. All other members who contributed to this special cause through their feedback, advise and presence also made a commendable job in starting this special initiative.